title = "The association of education with long-term weight change in the EPIC-PANACEA cohort",
abstract = "Background/objectives:Cross-sectionally, educational attainment is strongly associated with the prevalence of obesity, but this association is less clear for weight change during adult life. The objective of this study is to examine the association between educational attainment and weight change during adult life in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC).Subjects/methods:EPIC is a cohort study with 361 467 participants and up to 10 years of follow-up. Educational attainment was categorized according to the highest obtained school level (primary school or less, vocational secondary training, other secondary education and university). Multivariate mixed-effects linear regression models were used to study education in relation to weight at age 20 years (self-reported), to annual change in weight between age 20 years and measured weight at recruitment, and to annual change in weight during follow-up time.Results:Higher educational attainment was associated with on average a lower body mass index (BMI) at age 20 years and a lower increase in weight up to recruitment (highest vs lowest educational attainment in men: 60 g per year (95% confidence interval (CI) 80; 40), women 110 g per year (95% CI 130; 80)). Although during follow-up after recruitment an increase in body weight was observed in all educational levels, gain was lowest in men and women with a university degree (high vs low education 120 g per year (95% CI 150; 90) and 70 g per year (95% CI 90; 60), respectively).Conclusions:Existing differences in BMI between higher and lower educated individuals at early adulthood became more pronounced during lifetime, which possibly impacts on obesity-related chronic disease risk in persons with lower educational attainment.",
keywords = "BMI, EPIC, cohort study, education, weight change",
author = "S. Rohrmann and A. Steinbrecher and J. Linseisen and S. Hermann and A. May and J. Luan and U. Ekelund and K. Overvad and A. Tj{\o}nneland and J. Halkj{\ae}r and G. Fagherazzi and Boutron-Ruault, {M. C.} and F. Clavel-Chapelon and C. Agnoli and R. Tumino and G. Masala and A. Mattiello and F. Ricceri and N. Travier and P. Amiano and E. Ardanaz and Chirlaque, {M. D.} and Sanchez, {M. J.} and L. Rodr{\'i}guez and Nilsson, {L. M.} and I. Johansson and B. Hedblad and M. Rosvall and E. Lund and T. Braaten and A. Naska and P. Orfanos and A. Trichopoulou and {Van Den Berg}, S. and Bueno-De-Mesquita, {H. B.} and Bergmann, {M. M.} and A. Steffen and R. Kaaks and B. Teucher and Wareham, {N. J.} and Khaw, {K. T.} and Crowe, {F. L.} and Illner, {A. K.} and V. Gallo and T. Mouw and T. Norat",
note = "Funding Information: The work described in this paper was carried out with support of the European Commission: Grant No. DG Sanco, Project No.: 2 005 328. The work was further financially supported by the European Commission: Public Health and Consumer Protection Directorate 1993–2004; Research Directorate General 2005{\textquoteright}; Ligue contre le Cancer, Societ{\'e} 3M, Mutuelle G{\'e}n{\'e}rale de l{\textquoteright}Education Nationale, Institut National de la Sant{\'e} et de la Recherche M{\'e}dicale (INSERM) (France); German Cancer Aid, German Cancer Research Centre, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany); Danish Cancer Society (Denmark); Health Research Fund (FIS) of the Spanish Ministry of Health, the participating regional governments and institutions (Spain); Cancer Research UK, Medical Research Council, Stroke Association, British Heart Foundation, Department of Health, Food Standards Agency, Wellcome Trust (UK); Greek Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity, Hellenic Health Foundation and Stavros Niarchos Foundation (Greece); Italian Association for Research on Cancer, National Research Council (Italy); Dutch Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sports, Dutch Ministry of Health, Dutch Prevention Funds, LK Research Funds, Dutch ZON (Zorg Onderzoek Nederland), World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF; The Netherlands); Swedish Research Council, Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation, Swedish Cancer Foundation, Swedish Cancer Society, Swedish Scientific Council, Regional Government of Skane (Sweden); Norwegian Cancer Society (Norway).",
year = "2012",
month = aug,
doi = "10.1038/ejcn.2012.55",
language = "English",
volume = "66",
pages = "957--963",
journal = "European Journal of Clinical Nutrition",
issn = "0954-3007",
publisher = "Springer Nature",
number = "8",