Meniscal sutures

P. Wilmes*, D. Pape, R. Seil

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    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    Biomechanical and clinical trials have demonstrated the importance of the menisci for the function of the knee. The menisci increase the surface area for femoro-tibial load transmission, aid in the mechanics of joint lubrication, and act as secondary stabilizers in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)- deficient knees. Th us the focus in the treatment of meniscal tears has shifted from systematic removal of the menisci toward preservation and repair whenever possible. Nonetheless, most investigators estimate that only 10-15% of meniscal tears are reparable, usally in association with ACL reconstructions (1,2). The aim of meniscal repair is to reduce pain and possibly to restore ideal knee function by keeping the original meniscus. Indications for meniscal repair are: full-thickness, vertical longitudinal tears >10 mm; partial-thickness unstable vertical longitudinal tears (generally in tears >10 mm); location at the meniscosynovial junction or in the vascularized red-red and red-white zones (less than 3 mm away from the meniscosynovial junction); little secondary meniscal degeneration.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe Knee Joint
    Subtitle of host publicationSurgical Techniques and Strategies
    PublisherSpringer-Verlag France
    Number of pages14
    ISBN (Electronic)9782287993534
    ISBN (Print)2287993525, 9782287993527
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2012


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