L'apport des théories de l'autorégulation dans le vécu des blessures chez les sportifs

Alioune Touré

    Research output: Types of ThesisDoctoral Thesis


    [The contribution of self-regulation theories in the experience of sport injuries]
    It is recognized that to reach elite level in sports at least ten years of trainings and competitions are required. This commitment can be ruined by an injury that is minor, moderate or severe. Thus we believe that psychological response accompanies the rehabilitation process and “return to sport” phase.It's interesting to better understand the psychological factors that accompany the rehabilitation, so we conducted an analysis of the psychological process in four points. The first point underlines the model of psychological response to sport injury proposed by Wiese-Bjornatal et al. (1998). The second point is on the comparison of the coping strategies used by injured and uninjured athletes. The third point concerns the evolution of motivations (intrinsic and extrinsic amotivation) from the beginning of the rehabilitation to the "return-to-sports” in athletes with a moderate injury. Our last article is a proposal for modeling the factors influencing anxiety during the rehabilitation in athletes with severe injuries.Our results suggest that athletes use different strategies during rehabilitation; these strategies are mainly problem-focused strategies. Finally we suggest that a model completing the model of Wiese-Bjorstal et al (1998) including “return to sport” issues would help to better understand the complexity of psychological phenomena that accompany the injury.
    Original languageFrench
    • Spitz, Elizabeth, Supervisor, External person
    Place of PublicationMetz
    Publication statusPublished - 19 Oct 2010

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