Induction of allergen-specifi Tregs prior to oral or sublingual immunotherapy of food allergy

Reinhard Bredehorst (Inventor), Thomas Grunwald (Inventor), Cathy Léonard (Inventor), Markus Ollert (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The present invention relates to methods for the induction of food tolerance by a combination of subcutaneous hydrogel-based immunotherapy with food allergen-derived T cell peptides in the presence of tolerance-promoting concentrations of oligodeoxy-nucleotides with CpG or GpC or GpG motifs (Phase A) and subsequent oral or sublingual immunotherapy with natural or recombinant food allergens (Phase B)
Original languageEnglish
IPCWO 2019/076477
Publication statusPublished - 25 Apr 2019


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