title = "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-specific IgA and HIV neutralizing activity in the serum of exposed seronegative partners of HIV-seropositive persons",
abstract = "The presence and activity of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-specific antibodies were analyzed in the sera of 15 sexually exposed seronegative persons who had Systemic HIV-specific cell-mediated immunity and IgA-mediated mucosal immunity and in their HIV-infected partners. The HIV-positive subjects had HIV-specific serum IgG and IgA; the seronegative persons had HIV-specific serum IgA in the absence of IgG. Testing of the seronegative persons 1 year after the interruption of at-risk sex showed that no IgG seroconversion had occurred and that HIV-specific IgA serum concentrations had declined. Serum from the HIV-exposed seronegative persons was analyzed for the ability to neutralize primary HIV-1 isolates. Neutralizing activity was detected in 5 of 15 sera and in 2 cases was retained by serum-purified IgA. Thus, the immunologic picture for resistance to HIV infection should include HIV-specific cell-mediated immunity as well as HIV-specific IgA- mediated mucosal and systemic immunity.",
author = "Sandra Mazzoli and Lucia Lopalco and Alessandra Salvi and Daria Trabattoni and {Lo Caputo}, Sergio and Francesca Semplici and Mara Biasin and Claudio Bl{\'e} and Antonio Cosma and Claudia Pastori and Francesca Meacci and Francesco Mazzotta and Villa, {Maria Luisa} and Siccardi, {Antonio G.} and Mario Clerici",
note = "Funding Information: Received 8 December 1998; revised 15 March 1999, electronically published 5 August 1999. Presented in part: XII International Conference on AIDS, Geneva, July 1998 (abstract 21124). Written informed consent was obtained from all patients before enrollment. The protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Committee, Os-pedale Luigi Sacco, Milan. M.C. is a shareholder of Calypte Biomedical. Grant support: Istituto Superiore di Sanita{\textquoteright} (X Progetto AIDS 1997); European Community (concerted action BMH4-CT97-2055). Reprints or correspondence: Dr. Mario Clerici, Cattedra di Immunologia, Universit{\`a} degli Studi di Milano, Via Venezian, 1, 20133 Milan, Italy (mago @imiucca.csi.unimi.it).",
year = "1999",
doi = "10.1086/314934",
language = "English",
volume = "180",
pages = "871--875",
journal = "Journal of Infectious Diseases",
issn = "0022-1899",
publisher = "Oxford University Press",
number = "3",