Guidance for evaluating progress towards elimination of measles and rubella – Orientations pour évaluer les progrès réalisés en vue de l’élimination de la rougeole et de la rubéole

WHO Global Measles and Rubella Laboratory Network, Claude Muller

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


The target of the WHO Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011–2020 is the elimination of measles and rubella in at least 5 WHO regions by 2020.1 Elimination of measles and rubella is defined as the absence of endemic trans-mission in a defined geographical region or country for ≥12 months, documented by a well-performing surveil-lance system. As long as measles or rubella remains endemic in at least one country, however, all countries remain at risk for outbreaks due to imported cases. The 6 Regional Verification Commissions (RVCs), the Measles and Rubella Working Group of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization and other experts have revised guidance on monitoring progress and veri-fying elimination to ensure alignment among regions. The guidance presented here is based on experience gained in some regions and Member States and replaces older WHO global guidance.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)544-552
Number of pages14
JournalWeekly Epidemiological Record
Issue number41
Publication statusPublished - 12 Oct 2018


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