title = "Development of a self-reporting questionnaire, BURMIG, to evaluate the burden of migraine",
abstract = "We developed a 77-item self-reporting questionnaire to assess the burden of migraine (BURMIG), including headache characteristics, migraine associated disability, comorbidities, management, and the consequences on the patients' lives. We translated BURMIG into four languages (French, Portuguese, German and English) and tested it in 130 headache patients (20 pain clinic, 17 primary care and 93 general public) in Luxembourg. We performed a linguistic and a face-content validation and tested the questionnaire for its comprehensiveness, internal consistency and for its retest-reliability at an interval of 1 month (completion rates were 79.6 and 76.4%, for test and retest, respectively). Retest-reliability for the different parts of the questionnaire varied between 0.6 and 1.0 (Kappa coefficient), with an intracorrelation coefficient of 0.7-1.0. The internal consistency was between 0.74 and 0.91 (Cronbach's alpha). The questionnaire BURMIG is suitable to evaluate the burden of migraine and can be used in English, German, French and Portuguese.",
keywords = "Burden, English, French, German, Headache, Portuguese, Questionnaire, Validation",
author = "Colette Andr{\'e}e and Michel Vaillant and Christelle Rott and Zaza Katsarava and S{\'a}ndor, {Peter S.}",
note = "Funding Information: Acknowledgments The authors are indebted to all physicians, psychologist, pharmacists and patient organizations for their contributions to this study and are especially grateful for the help offered by T. Steiner, Ch. Pull, S. Chatterjis, R.Lipton, J. Schoenen, and A. Mc Gregor. We also thank particularly the {\textquoteleft}comit{\'e} de pilotage{\textquoteright}: Dr Alexandre Bisdorff, H{\^o}pital Emil Mayrisch, Service Neurologie, Dr Catherine Boisant{\'e}, Centre Hospitalier, Centre De Traitement de la Douleur, Dr Robert Goerens, Direction de La Sante, Mme Marie-Anne Kaiffer, Patientevertriedung, Mme Marie-Lise Lair, Crp-Sant{\'e} CES, Dr Nicole Majery, Service de Sante au Travail Multisectoriel, Mme Jos{\'e}ane Martens-Paulus, Syndicat des Pharmaciens, Dr Ren{\'e} Metz, Centre Hospitalier, Service Neurologie, Prof Charles Pull, Centre Hospitalier, Service Psychiatrie Ambulatoire et de Liaison, Mme V{\'e}ronique Schambourg, Syndicat des Pharmaciens, Dr Yolande Wagener, Direction de la Sant{\'e}. The study was funded by the Luxembourg Ministry of Research and the Swiss Migraine Trust Foundation. Funding Information: We designed a questionnaire combining elements from established questionnaires and added further questions concerned with disease management and social consequences of headache. Priority areas for the questionnaire were defined with joint support from NGO{\textquoteright}S (Swiss Migraine Trust Foundation, Migraine Action Association UK, Switzerland and Luxembourg), several international headache experts (see {\textquoteleft}{\textquoteleft}Acknowledgements{\textquoteright}{\textquoteright}) and the Luxembourg Ministry of Health. Ethics committee approval for the study was obtained from the National Ethic and Research Board of Luxembourg.",
year = "2008",
doi = "10.1007/s10194-008-0059-1",
language = "English",
volume = "9",
pages = "309--315",
journal = "Journal of Headache and Pain",
issn = "1129-2369",
publisher = "Springer-Verlag Italia s.r.l.",
number = "5",