Der einfluss verschiedener nahtstärken auf das verhalten von meniskusnähten unter zyklischer zugbelastung

Translated title of the contribution: Influence of different suture strengths on meniscal sutures subjected to cyclic loading conditions

R. Seil*, S. Rupp, C. Jurecka, R. Rein, D. Kohn

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21 Citations (Scopus)


The aim of this study was to analyze meniscal sutures under cyclic loading conditions for different suture types (vertical and horizontal mattress sutures) and suture materials (absorbable monofilament sutures: PDS 2-0; PDS-0, and PDS-1 USP). Testing was performed on medial porcine menisci, using a well-established biomechanical testing model with a complete longitudinal tear 3 mm from the periphery of the meniscus. Sixty specimens were used. One suture was tested at a time. During cyclic testing 100 load cycles were applied with a crosshead speed of 50 mm/min. Three different maximum loads (10 N, 20 N, and 40 N) were used. The preload was set at 5 N. After cyclic loading, the specimens were loaded until failure. During cyclic loading, a gap appeared between the two parts of the meniscus, and partial tissue failures were observed at the surface of the meniscus. Gapping was more marked with higher loads and with the weaker suture material (p< 0.001). Using PDS 0 and PDS 1 sutures, less partial tissue failures were observed compared to PDS 2-0 (p< 0.001). The ultimate failure loads after cyclic loading were higher with PDS-0 and PDS-1 sutures. With these suture materials vertical sutures were stronger than horizontal sutures (p< 0.05). Using PDS 2-0 this difference could not be found. These results show that the primary strength of meniscal sutures depends on the suture material. The frequency and the amount of gapping and partial tissue failures, which can be observed under cyclic loading, are less distinct with PDS-0 and PDS-1 compared to PDS 2-0. From a biomechanical point of view, PDS 0 and PDS 1 sutures are recommended for meniscal sutures to guarantee a high primary stability, a small amount of gapping, and few partial tissue failures.

Translated title of the contributionInfluence of different suture strengths on meniscal sutures subjected to cyclic loading conditions
Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)392-398
Number of pages7
JournalDer Unfallchirurg
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2001
Externally publishedYes


  • Cyclic testing
  • Knee
  • Meniscus
  • Meniscus repair
  • Suture material
  • Suture technique


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