A roadmap towards personalized immunology

Sylvie Delhalle, Sebastian F.N. Bode, Rudi Balling, Markus Ollert, Feng Q. He*

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40 Citations (Scopus)


Big data generation and computational processing will enable medicine to evolve from a “one-size-fits-all” approach to precise patient stratification and treatment. Significant achievements using “Omics” data have been made especially in personalized oncology. However, immune cells relative to tumor cells show a much higher degree of complexity in heterogeneity, dynamics, memory-capability, plasticity and “social” interactions. There is still a long way ahead on translating our capability to identify potentially targetable personalized biomarkers into effective personalized therapy in immune-centralized diseases. Here, we discuss the recent advances and successful applications in “Omics” data utilization and network analysis on patients’ samples of clinical trials and studies, as well as the major challenges and strategies towards personalized stratification and treatment for infectious or non-communicable inflammatory diseases such as autoimmune diseases or allergies. We provide a roadmap and highlight experimental, clinical, computational analysis, data management, ethical and regulatory issues to accelerate the implementation of personalized immunology.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9
Journalnpj Systems Biology and Applications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2018


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