Linking early environmental imprinting of the immune system to allergic disease

Project Details


Allergic diseases are one of the few chronic inflammatory diseases in which a clear link can be seen between pathophysiology and the exposome. The objective of this PhD project is to correlate clinical reactivity and deep immune data of allergic children with environmental exposure to chemical pollutants and real-world data on indoor and outdoor allergen exposure. Datasets will be integrated to define key characteristics of environmental exposure in variable patterns of immune profiles. The proposed unique methodology will combine deep immune profiling with a highly multiplex biomonitoring approach.

The project will not only provide important information on the national level, but also significant insight into environmental factors linked to a Th2-skewed inflammatory response.
The PhD student will develop a hybrid profile, with advanced education in allergy/immunology and human biomonitoring.
AcronymXpose (Rebecca Klapp)
StatusNot started
Effective start/end date1/02/2531/01/29


  • FNR - Fonds National de la Recherche: €207,080.00


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