Project Details


Within the frame of the FNR-RESCOM program the LIH’s Department of Infection (DII) and Immunity applies for a sixth edition of it’s lecture series in ’Infection & Immunity’.Our lecture series is very well recognized and we have succeeded to attract many world leading scientists to Luxembourg in the past (Tak W. Mak, Canada; Douglas Green, USA; Luke O’Neill, Ireland, Ido Amit, Israel; etc.). This and the alignment of the invited speakers with the departments’ strategy steadily increases the international recognition of our institute and Luxembourg’s scientific environment in general.One unique key feature of our lecture series is it’s multidisciplinary. The lecture series in ‘Infection & Immunity’integrates multiple research topics and trends that are relevant for various stakeholders in Luxembourg. This includes research on immunology, inflammation, neurodegeneration, metabolism, microbiome, big data, cancer and personalized medicine. As such the lectures series has developed into a well recognized knowledge and discussion hub of the Luxembourg’s research environment that link the different national biomedical fields.Supporting and further maintaining such an interactive discussion platform as the lecture series in ‘Infection &Immunity’ will further facilitate this ongoing process.For 2019 we will schedule 12 lectures from January 2019 to December 2019. As in previous year, the lectures are open for all scientists and the interested general public.Lectures are scheduled on Thursday at 11am and will last for 45min followed by an approx. 20min discussion.However, the suggested schedule is flexible and can be tailored to the individual needs of the invited speaker. A highlight in the last years was the student’s workshop that succeeds the scientific presentation of the invited speaker. This represents an informal discussion together with an organized joined lunch (Meet & Eat). The workshop is a unique opportunity for students at different level to get in contact with high level scientists. For most of the students this is their first contact with the international scientific community, which is important to support their further development. Each workshop is different and the students learn how to approach and respond to the individual interests of the invited scientists in an atmosphere that fosters communication.The lectures series in ‘Infection & Immunity’ is one of the most efficient instruments to increase the recognition of the DII and LIH as a whole. Based on that and the outstanding feedback of our invited speakers, our students and scientists we are aiming to renew the lecture series in ‘Infection and Immunity’ for 2019.
AcronymLS-DII 2019
Effective start/end date1/02/1914/11/21


  • FNR - Fonds National de la Recherche: €72,000.00


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