Hormonal profile in hair for subject characterization and indication of early biological response to exposome

Project Details


Hormone levels are good indicators of physiological conditions (age, body composition) or health impairment (depression, metabolic disturbance). They are influenced by external factors such as exposure to endocrine disruptors, physical activity, stress, poor diet with possible adverse consequences on health. The PhD project will use available data and produce new results from children and adult cohorts to identify typical hormonal profiles associated with various physiological conditions using a hair-based hormonal profiling.

The project will also allow for assessing usefulness of the method to investigate early response to exposures and will advance implementation of the hair-based hormonal profiling in clinical use.
AcronymXpose (Paula Llabres Piza)
StatusNot started
Effective start/end date15/01/2514/01/29


  • FNR - Fonds National de la Recherche: €207,080.00


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