Assessment the impact of selective ALDH1 inhibitors on tumor infiltrating lymphocytes and the therapeutic benefit of Immune checkpoint blockers

Project Details


Immune checkpoint blockade (ICB)-based cancer immunotherapy is a game changer in terms of overall survival and the cancer patient’s life quality. Despite the exciting and encouraging clinical responses in few patients, majority have a shortterm or no survival benefit with severe side effects. The future of immuno-oncology drug development is positioned in combination immunotherapies involving standard cancer therapies rationally combined with ICB’s to boost their efficacy and reduce resistance. The aim of TRICK-ALDH project is to understand the mechanism of action of a groundbreaking combination of ICB’s and specific potent ALDH inhibitors (involved in drug resistance in multiple cancers). This innovationdriven collaborative project between LIH and Advanced BioDesign Pharma Company will undoubtedly contribute to improve the survival benefit of ICB-based cancer immunotherapy in non-responder patients.
Effective start/end date1/01/2230/06/24


  • Advanced BioDesign: €96,733.00
  • Advanced BioDesign: €92,000.00
  • Advanced BioDesign: €120,000.00


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