A multidisciplinary program for the management of paediatric overweight and obesity

Project Details


The purpose of this project is to develop an obesity registry of the children included in the frame of the program program MOving TOgetheR (MOTOR).
MOTOR is a multidisciplinary program for the management of paediatric overweight and obesity, developed a in Luxembourg by the Diabetes & Endocrinology Care Clinique Pédiatrique (DECCP), Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL), in collaboration with several national partners including:
- The Hôpitaux Robert Schumann, Service national de psychiatrie juvénile
- The Rehazenter
- The National Health Directorate, Ministry of Health, Luxembourg),
- The University of Luxembourg, Department of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences
- The Luxembourg Institute of Health, Department of Precision Health.
AcronymMOTOR (2021)
Effective start/end date1/08/2131/07/24


  • Luxembourg Institute of Health


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